Monthly Average Rainfall

The graph shows rainfall recorded at Tower Hill in 2012, 2013, 2014 and up to February 28th 2015. As can be noted, there was a significant drop in rainfall from November to December 2014 of 155.85 mm of rain. Most of the rainfall recorded in December was at the beginning of the month resulting in unfavorable conditions for the scheduled start of crop on December 8th 2014. In January 2015, rainfall was marginally higher than in previous years. However, at the opening of the crop season on January 26th 2015, weather conditions were optimal since rainfall for the month was mostly recorded at the beginning of January. The month of February had recorded rainfall of 41.1 mm, resulting in more wet conditions for this 2015 ongoing crop season in comparison to last year.

Posted on April 13, 2015 .